Sunday, June 12, 2011

Reflecting on a Memorable Assignment

We definitely have done many things in English this year. Out of all of them, I would have to say the most memorable thing for me was poetry out loud. I'm not a big poetry and fan wasn't very excited at first. There were so many poems to choose some and was excited that I found ones that I liked. I highlighted each stanza a different color and made myself memorize piece by piece so that every single word was perfect. When I heard that I was one of the winners in the class I was so excited. I thought it was a mistake because when I was up there I felt like the whole world was shaking.

I am proud of this because it took a lot of time to do this and make it meaningful. I also didn't know that I could memorize things so well. I found in a number of instances this year that I am actually good at memorizing things! I will definitely remember many things from English freshman year, but I will never forget how I felt at both poetry out loud competitions.

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