Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Conclusion

I cannot believe how fast the year has gone by! So much more work, so many blogs. Some blogs have been really fun to write about, but some have been really annoying, especially when I forgot to do them until the last night or even later. My blog is all about everything I have learned and looking back on them, I see how many things I have learned that I didn't know a year ago. The quality of my writing and the depth of my writing has increased as well. I remember late nights when I just remember about the blog and great feelings when I get it done early. I would say that I have liked the blogs because it is a fun way to write about what I am learning because there is a voice behind it. When we write essays, we aren't supposed to make it personal. The blogs are about my views, opinions, and the way I have learned. I like sitting in the comfort of my own home typing on my laptop, even if I'm in a rush to finish it. It has been such a good way to communicate with others. Even though we write about educational things, I have learned things about other classmates and I feel like I know people way better in English than in any other of my classes. Sometimes the blog may seem tedious, but "Practice makes perfect"(My dad) and all of these blogs have helped us improve as a writer. This will be my last blog and I am happy to say that this has been a great year, blogs included!

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