Saturday, April 2, 2011

Great Expectations: Thoughts on Reading

When we first started Great Expectations, I was not excited at all. It seemed very boring. To me, the book didn't really get interesting until towards the end of the book. I know this is a classic book, but I didn't really enjoy it that much. Not enough things happened for me and I didn't really like and get attached to any of the characters. I also thought that both of the endings were bad and didn't like either of them.

This is the only book I have read by Charles Dickens, but so far, I do not like his writing style. It was very hard to understand and follow. He also referred to many things I didn't understand. I know that I was supposed to look up everything I didn't understand, but if that were the case, it would take me all day to read the required chapters for the day. Although there were a lot of things I didn't understand, I think I did pretty good compared to other people in the class. I also hate computers and don't turn mine on unless I'm doing homework and I actually didn't use spark notes once!

I was actually very proud of myself for how well I kept up on my reading. I only got behind twice and it was only by a couple chapters. I actually did have a routine too. If a book is hard for me to understand, I like to listen to it. Before I put the chapters on my I-pod from Librivox, my mom would very kindly read it to me and when something important would happen, I would yell "Stop" and she would hand me the book so I could write an annotation. The reading was always the last homework of the day I did and I read before bed. Some nights it was late though and I was very tired. When that happened, it affected my reading because I forgot a few details because it was harder to pay attention.

Overall, I guess I would say this was an okay book. I liked how organized this unit was and liked knowing what we were going to do in class every day.

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