Friday, March 4, 2011

Great Expectations- Chapter 9 Quote

This quote is a little confusing to me and I don't understand it completely, but I think he is talking about his life and the person he is. He is saying that each thing that happens to you affects you and makes you the person you are. That there is always one beginning moment that sets you on the path to be the person you are meant to be and have the life you are meant to have. For Pip, this day changed his way of thinking by being curious about Miss Havisham, started to be embarrassed of his less rich and proper family, and starting to really experience guiltiness and decide what's right and wrong. In the later chapters Pip doesn't really change positively because he is embarrassed of his best friend Joe and he lets Estella be mean to him and still likes her. It seems like he cares a lot about what other people think rather than just being happy with who he is.

I can't think of one exact beginning life altering day that changed me to be who I am. I remember various things that have happened to me that I know have affected me and who I am. Without those things I wouldn't be so respectful of other people, care about people's feelings, know to be who I am, and many other lessons I have learned over the course of my life. Some bad things have happened to me in my life, but even though I regret them or wish they didn't happen, every event has affected me and I am happy with the person that I am. Every single one of these life altering days changed me and I wouldn't be the same without them.

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