Friday, September 24, 2010

Introduction to my Blog

Hello!!! I absolutely love English! It is one of my favorite subjects! For those of you who follow my blog, on most occasions you will see happy energized responses so that I do not put you to sleep. I will also try to do this so my long posts will fly by while you read them! Depending on how many people I know in the class, I can be shy or very talkative. I have a big personality once you get to know me and it shows in my writing. Every since I was in elementary school I have wanted to be an author. I have a huge binder of all the stories I have written and in future I plan to add to them and make them into novels. Overall, I love to read and you should definitely follow my blog!!!

I am a little nervous for this class because the work sounds hard, but I will give it my best shot, work as hard as I can, and get help when I need it. I definitely will enlighten the online world with my fresh and different ways of thinking, just like everyone else will because we all think differently!

I believe that the meaning of English class is to teach us how to understand things and different life settings. We have to learn to figure out lifestyles, plots, elements of writing, and many more. That could also be my answer for why English is a four-year requirement for college bound students. The meaning seems like a strange question to me.........

Excelling in English will not only give you good grades and high school and college, you will be able able to communicate intelligently by speaking and writing. You will get respect and understand things. I believe it will make you sympathetic to different people's life situation and realize how to grow up to be successful in this world. I love English, so maybe everything I've said won't apply to some people as a life lesson, but I really do believe English will affect who you are and grow up to be!

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